Piping Design Engineering profession is one of the core engineering profile for mechanical engineers to have. Unfortunately, nothing was taught about Piping, during our academics. Many of us have struggled to gain knowledge, without even knowing where to start.

Basically, mechanical engineering freshers and beginners in piping had no options to find how to prepare themselves to become a Piping Design Engineer.

This made me to write this material to help them get started in a right direction. The information mentioned here in this article are solely for Fresher mechanical engineers and Beginners in Piping, who are trying to get an entry level position as a Piping Design Engineer.

The progression has been put in Simple steps. I strongly recommend to complete each step before going to the next step to prepare yourself to be able to understand the next step.

Good Luck.


The Progression to gather piping knowledge to become a Piping design engineer in described in the step wise slides below. However, knowledge gathering is a process of learning in a systematic way, which has 3 stages mentioned below.

            1. Study

            2. Revise

            3. Practice

Those who can patiently sail through the above stages, shall possess the knowledge treasure. 

If you had determined to become a Piping Design Engineer, below steps will help you to take to your destination.


Who could gain from the below steps?

Lets looks at the Basic Qualification required.


Software knowledge is a great advantage for the CV to get shortlisted for a job. However, selection for a design job is purely upon your knowledge in piping technical’s.



Do you require to posses a certification to work as Piping Design Engineer?


Lets looks at the Technical Knowledge required for Freshers.


To gather the above knowledge criteria’s, follow the 10 steps method of learning given below, to systematically learn the subject.


Understand what is pipes, pipe fittings, Valves and its different types.

Read Piping symbols of pipes, pipe fittings, valves and practice by hand drawing manually in a white sheet. This is a very important area of knowledge, for a piping design engineer to have.


Check out the below link to learn quickly about P&ID


Check out the below link to learn about Piping Deliverables


Check out the end of this article for Recommended books.


It is very important to understand the key terms in piping. Generally it is given in piping design books. Refer the Piping design books.


Equipment’s are the heart of the plant. In process plant, different types of equipment’s are used such as Pumps, heat exchangers, Drums and Pressure Vessels. 

Piping design engineer must aware about the types and purpose of these equipment’s.


Routing a pipe in a space shall meet certain requirements such as accessibility, maintenance, and safety. Refer Piping design books to understand the pipe routing basis.


Piping layout is a much diversified subject, however to become a piping design engineer, one should at least know, 

     1. What is piping layout is about

     2. Information available in layout

     3. What is layout planning and 

     4. Why piping layout is generated.


Practice makes a man perfect. Nothing shall replace the benefits of practice. Do practice at least for 2 hours in a day to get acquainted with piping symbols and to improve drafting skill.


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Check out the Buy here:




Subash Chandran

Hi, I'm Subash Chandran, an aspiring piping design engineer with 15 years of experience and obsessed with piping design. This site is dedicated to educate the aspiring piping design engineers like me, to help them understand the knowledge required to work in live-projects. I will keep posting more contents about piping design and wish to build this platform to be useful for all engineers who wants to pursue piping design engineering.


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