How to Read P&ID like a LEGEND for Piping Design Development?


This course is to develop one of the Most mandatory Piping Design Skill, inorder to perform piping design activities in the Real Time Job. This is not a general P&ID course. It is intentionally prepared from Piping Design Point of view.

The Design Skill taught in this course is to ” Read the P&ID Flawlessly” from the perspective of Piping Design Engineering. This skill helps to understand the piping design scope from the P&ID inorder to develop piping design activities. Without this skill, engineers would not be able to understand the project scope.

Reading P&ID Flawlessly is a Most Primary skill  for a Piping Design Enigneer, inorder to produce piping design deliverables. Flawless reading would give the right understanding of the Project Scope or Design basis. Thus helps in making the right decisions in design developement.

This one course is sufficient enough to read the P&ID flawlessly, as it covers all areas of P&ID required for Piping Design.
